Like every year, the processionary caterpillar is active again for several months until spring. These hairy caterpillars are easily recognized because they move in caravans (as in a procession).
Dear customers,
Like every year, the processionary caterpillar is active again for several months until spring. These hairy caterpillars are easily recognized because they move in caravans (as in a procession).
They prefer pine trees to transform into chrysalises since in these trees they find their most food. White nests (see photo) are found in the tops of pine trees.
In no way should the processionary be touched. The fine hairs of the caterpillar break off, for example, with a gust of wind and contact with them can cause severe skin irritation and respiratory problems.
Every year measures are taken by the government against the fight of the processionary. Pine forests are treated preventively by spraying them with a special liquid from an airplane.
On privately owned grounds, such as golf courses, treating the processionary caterpillar in this way is not permitted. At Club de Golf Alcanada, every autumn the pine trees are fumigated with an ecological product to prevent the hatching of these pests. Due to the size of our property and the areas that are sometimes difficult to access, the treatment cannot be 100% effective, and therefore some nests remain. Reachable nests are cut and burned to the extent possible. We apologize for any inconvenience.