Given the current economic situation worldwide golf courses in Majorca must not despair. A good management can be able to face it successfully and save the difficult circumstances that without any doubt will be presented to many clubs. Two are the main actions to be adopted in this occasion, being the first to improve the quality of the service through an effective action directed to the customers.
Given the current economic situation worldwide golf courses in Majorca must not despair. A good management can be able to face it successfully and save the difficult circumstances that without any doubt will be presented to many clubs. Two are the main actions to be adopted in this occasion, being the first to improve the quality of the service through an effective action directed to the customers.
The second refers to analyze the budget items in detail and find ways to obtain income from other concepts different to the traditional ones and developing a cost reduction plan to optimize the maintenance and use of facilities too. The most relevant thing is not making the mistake of dropping staff without taking care that it will not mean quality services deterioration.
What are the best golf courses of Majorca doing?
The largest budget sections corresponding to income are game rights as green fees, tournaments and competitions, membership subscriptions, store sales and else amenities (buggies, equipment rental, etc.). The principal expenses, on the other hand, are related to personnel salaries, water and electricity consumption, maintenance and repairs. The key is to change the balance, increasing the first items and reducing the second ones.
In most of the cases the service excellence is improved based on « small details » and they do not cost money. For example, when a person calls to book (the initial contact), it is important that he is assisted promptly and kindly, to try to facilitate playing in the field. This does not always happen, and already the customer’s preliminary impression is not good.
At the moment a client arrives, the whole staff must be instructed so that at all times they are treated with sympathy and help, with the aim that when leaving he gets a positive impression of the club, tells his friends and be encouraged to come back. The “mouth marketing” is the best advertising that could be done and is free. In these instructions and their supervision, the manager plays a fundamental role.
Also members have to feel around as at home, where they see that they are considered in a privileged manner and are offered excellent conditions. There is constantly the dilemma if the annual fee should be based on the number of rounds that each one makes or in a fixed value. It does not exist a golden rule, but take into account that if it is decided to register the lap quantity of partners, it needs the appropriate control way, which will mean more personnel.
The golf shop is one of the most profitable services in a club. It must be well presented, a place pleasant to enter. Besides the mentioned ones, there are many other aspects to caring of in order to offer better conditions and attract more users to the fantastic courses of Majorca.