Green corner: the new ZOYSIA GEO grass

Borja Azpilicueta, director of golf course grounds at Alcanada, explains the benefits and characteristics of the new type of ZOYSIA GEO grass, which has been installed in the locker room yard and in the men’s and professional tees of the seventh hole.

Borja said: “The new ZOYSIA GEO is a thin grass with a dark green colour. It is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful grasses that can be found in a landscape. It has a very slow growth but has a density that makes it very difficult to make divots, especially with a fairway wood or a driver.

“It is more resistant to shade than any Bermuda grass so we expect it to be more durable on the seventh hole tees. It requires little water and tolerates the cold better than Bermuda grass.

“This type of grass is very common in Asia and Pacific areas, especially in Japan and Korea. There are other varieties of Zoysia, one of the best known is the Zoysia Zeon used in the prestigious Atlanta Athletic Club, which has hosted several Majors.

“Zoysias are currently being developed for use on greens, although no European course has tried it yet. It is believed that this is the grass of the future for golf courses, but we’ll have to wait to check it out and see how it performs.”


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