This Project opens the collection titled “No Exit”, dedicated to those corners of traditional summer venues, with the intention of bringing the landscape and history of Alcanada and the Alcudia´s bay to all its residents and visitors.
Composed of 10 chapters, Elena Ortega and Cesc Mulet show in “Alcanada” stories of archaeological findings, shipwrecks and even different stories taking as a reference the natural environment of the area itself or its lighthouse.
On the other hand, you can find this book in four different languages (Spanish / Catalan / English / German) which brings together various photographs, prints, maps, drawings and old postcards with the collaboration of the Alcanada Golf Club, Yannick and Ben Jakober Foundation, or Alcudia City Council, among others.
This copy will be available at various sales outlets, one of which is the Alcanada Golf Club store, the price is 15 €.