Playing golf in Majorca

Are you planning your next vacation? If you have not decided yet but you know it would be nice to practice your favorite sport during the period, then golf courses in Majorca are your best option. There are multiple reasons to say that, all of them related to the location, its geography, climate and also […]

Majorca golf green fees

Talking about sports everything seems to help to be in good conditions because exercising is always beneficial to the body and the mind. However, while soccer, baseball, basketball and others demand a lot and require being prepared to effort at the maximum, golf in Majorca is reachable for everybody. Therefore it can be practiced in […]

Golf deals in Majorca

If you wonder about golf in Majorca you need to get to know the Balearic Islands. They are situated in the core of the Mediterranean Sea and constitute a spot of marvelous natural gorgeousness. The place is plenty with spectacular courses of excellent deals for beginners, intermediate or experts. And you can find them on […]

Golf España

España es un país con una demostrada inclinación hacia el deporte de reyes. Por eso, después de haberse superado los peores y más difíciles años de la crisis económica, esta interesante actividad vuelve a florecer en el territorio ibérico. El hecho de que la ocupación de los campos se encuentre por encima de la media […]