Best golf courses in Majorca

Given the current economic situation worldwide golf courses in Majorca must not despair. A good management can be able to face it successfully and save the difficult circumstances that without any doubt will be presented to many clubs. Two are the main actions to be adopted in this occasion, being the first to improve the […]

Best golf clubs in Majorca

One of the biggest fascinations when choosing a sport as an entertainment activity is found in the general conditions of the facilities where it is practiced. The reason is that people want to experience clean, beautiful and well maintained spaces. Being cautious about the selection is especially important playing golf in Majorca, because the alternatives […]

Genießen Sie den Sommer in Alcanada

Überlegen Sie, wo Sie diesen Sommer Urlaub machen werden? Wir haben das perfekte Reiseziel: Mallorca. Mit seinen sonnigen Tagen das ganze Jahr über, gutem Wetter und warmen Temperaturen ist es ein ideales Reiseziel, um zu jeder Jahreszeit, insbesondere aber im Sommer, Urlaub zu machen. Es ist nicht nur ein ideales Urlaubsziel für Touristen, sondern auch […]