Championship golf courses: just the supreme option for superior clubs

Are you trying to start some physical activity? Perhaps you consider yourself as an athletic individual but looking for new challenges. In both cases you should try a sport which is equally interesting and enjoyable. Nevertheless, the place is important too therefore play golf courses in Majorca. This is a suitable game for everyone. It […]

Reasons to love cheap golfing holidays

It could be that you are an athletic person, someone that enjoys doing physical activity or perhaps the truth is the opposite. You are a sedentary individual and your major effort consists in standing up from a sofa to prepare a snack. In any case it is important to know the reasons why you had […]

Alcanada empfängt auf seiner Anlage die talentiertesten Golfer

Der Club de Golf Alcanada spielt erneut eine wichtige Rolle, indem er einigen der talentiertesten Golfspieler des Vereinigten Königreichs bei der Erfüllung ihrer Träume behilflich ist und Ihnen freien Zutritt zum Golfplatz auf Mallorca gewährt. Die Non-Profit-Organisation Golfing4Life, die junge Golftalente finanziell unterstützt, brachte im vergangenen Monat 17 Golfspieler auf den berühmten Besitz der Porsche-Familie […]